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For those who don't know who i am... im a 20 year old IT student from Republic Polytechnic....I am a geek! But i don't look like one....thats what people tell me.....I enjoy Being a Geek.... a few weeks ago i wrote an article about the NERD HandBOOK....its not a handbook for nerds but actually a guide for people close to nerds and understand how nerds think :) its really true.....another thing you would like to look at would be "The Secret"... it really teaches you alot...its worth your time...

I recently Joined Lifehack's Book contest....send in a hack to them and they will pick a winner....the winner will walk away with a New Book called Lifehack:Upgrade your life .... oh man....i really want that book!!! It really will teach me lots of stuff on how to increase productivity!!! Im a sucker for productivity.....i can't stand only doing one thing at one time...i need to be at least doing 2 things minimum at one time.....

Wondering what hack i sent in to lifehacker?

I sent in this week's top post.... MOJO
What is life without MOJO now? I use this software almost everyday now....quite a few people have joined my network on hamachi already....you need hamachi because MOJO only Supports LAN connection and it doesn't let you share over the internet....BUT with this great software called hamachi, it tricks it that my friend is in my house's lan network but actually hes not! Neat eh?

Go get MOJO NOW! U need Itunes in order to use MOJO!

FYP Selection is out!
I didn't get the project i wanted though.....i wanted a project called luxurious Microsite which means building an online website featuring luxurious products.....which i have already done before for a company....called Sotheby Singapore! I got a project called Start your own IT business....Oh well Look on the bright side at least i don't have to do any programming this time....just business plans and marketing stuff which i also like alot!! I want to start up my own IT business in the future anyway....i LAck capital as usual....i wonder business idea i should do for my project.....any1 have any ideas or any1 who has lots of free time and wanna help me out in starting an IT business let me know :)

Drop me an email:dexxter@gmail.com or tag my board if you have IT business ideas :) you will be rewarded if you contribute something really useful :)

SO what have i been doing?

I am now having holidays since Feb....My school starts on 7th april.....aww man I dread going to school....its so far from my house! Oh well at least i get to study what i like....networking security....I hope i can do well and get into a good university :) I work real hard when it comes to IT....i waste no time.....


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