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The image “http://www.acquistionline.it/news/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/iphone-unlock.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Looks like 1.1.2 isnt so tough after all...the jailbreak is already out! Stay tuned people....Looks like its gonna be another PSP scenario where everytime a new firmware is released, hackers would hack it....maybe we would even get custom firmwares for our iphones just like the PSP......

iPhone 1.1.2 is in fact jailbroken! Following the earlier day fashions of jailbreaking 1.1.1 is the familiar & tedious method used to jailbreak 1.1.2. The key: preparing the device before hand. So you may need to downgrade if you’ve already updated to the latest version. Erica over at TUAW (see source link) has put said method to the test while detailing the entire procedure.

Also noted:

…The general purpose post-upgrade tool has not been generally released. If you oktoprepped and upgraded you are fine–the tool will follow soon–but you really don’t want to do that until the tool gets released.

It’s a safe bet we’ll soon see [multiple] one-click app(s) that take care of the necessary preparation. Sit tight, be patient — 1.1.2 ain’t all that anyway.

iPhone FW 1.1.1
iPhone FW 1.1.2

- source: TUAW


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