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1. An Ex-poly student has a chance of close to zero of re-entering a polytechnic unless a miracle happens.

2. The chance of changing course after being admitted to a polytechnic is also close to zero. In short, you have almost no chance to change course. Yes the avenue to apply is there, but your chances are very low.

3. It is possible to exempt yourself from certain modules in polytechnic if you prove you are competent. Example exempting Web Publishing module by proven to them you are skilled in HTML and etc...

4. Scholarships and bursaries usually close very soon after the start of a semester. It is up to you to find out how, when and where to apply

5. Polytechnic is slack(only if you want slack results)

6. "Not able to continue in course","You are removed from the course of study" is exactly the same as "You have been are expelled"

7. Attendance is not important (only if you want slack results, debarment from exams)

8. "Withdrawing" and "Being Removed" from course is two different thing (one is voluntary leaving, the other is being kicked out )

9. There might be options in the diploma in your course. The deciding factor for you to go to the option you want is based usually on merits.

10. It is not a good choice to go into ANY polytechnic course just to retake O Levels(to siam army while you try to get the grades in order to get into the course). Even if you did well for your retaken O Levels, you will not have very little chance to change your course of study.

11. A 26 points fresh o level graduate has a higher chance of getting into a course than you if you are a current/ex poly student.

12. You can wear slippers to polytechnic, but be prepared to lose your chance of getting awards/medals if you get caught for such trival disciplinary actions.

13. Being late for class is not alright. Usually different schools have different policy. The norm is 2-3 later constitude 1 absent.

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