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Its been a long weekend...haven gone home for the past 4 days! I will be home tml. So i can update pictures that were taken during the weekend. So do remember to come back to see the pictures! A lot of crappy stuff done during the weekends. Lan Party is number ONE thing that me and my friends, John, Ian, Ronald and philip did during the weekend. Pwning people in dota! Lots and lots of DOTA! Anybody want to challenge let me know by tagging the tag board ^.^. Today was Ronald's birthday so we went to watch deathnote at Plaza Singapura with the guys and John's parents. We played some sort of a "win a psp/handphone" kind of machine. It was quite funny because a huge crowd gathered and watched us play. We kept trying to win the psp/handphone and blew alot of cash on it. Ronald got very pissed off after failing one after the other. After watching the movie, Gerald (john and ronald's cousin) and Bernard joined us and Ronald's parents brought us to some teochew restaurant in china town to eat dinner . It was the funniest dinner i ever had in my life! There was a drunk man at the table next to us and he sang happy birthday in cantonese to Ronald very loudly! We kinda saboed him by telling the drunkard that it was his bday! LOL! what a scene! I took down a video of the drunkard but i lost it :( so sad. After that we went to butterfactory and danced the night away! Just to celebrate Ronald's bday. Ian got DRUNK! I got a video of him! His video would be posted up very soon!

Death Note Review:
It is about a book where the people whose names you write on will die. I want that book too! Don't you all wish you had 1? Its KIRA VS "L". "L" is one the police's side but i still side Kira! I hope Kira kills "L"!

Do not be put off by the manga background or the long and lame trailer. This show is damn nice! And i must say i gotta watch it again! I loved it alot!

It was an intense, twisted, clever piece of movie. The main credit lies in the original plot, and you never know what's going to happen next. You will keep trying to guess whats gonna happen next! I must say the guy who holds the deathnote book is truly a GENIUS!

There are some emo scenes which made the show even more exciting! There are also some heart pounding parts! There are also some funny parts, especially the deathgod (as above: the one in the center).

There is a Part 2 to this movie I can't wait! OMFG! GO watch it if you haven or you can just kill yourself!

Remember to comment everyone! TAG TAG TAG!!!
See also: http://themovieclub.blogspot.com/


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